Hi, I have a modeling to do for tomorrow night but I have no clue how. I just a beginner in sketch and I am a student. If someone could guide me or do it for me. Please help, for someone who knows SketchUp it think it could go fast. Thank you !!
It is against our ethics here to do your homework for you, particularly when it sounds like you have not bothered to study and are in last minute panic as a result. On the other hand, if you show and tell us what you have tried and where you are stuck, people here love to help you learn.
I think you are mistaking this would be easy to do. It’s a very intricate building and you would need a lot of dimensions to make an acccurate model…
I wonder how much time was given for this assignment and what would be the required level of detail?
Have you even tried to start modelling this or are you stuck on how to begin?
If so, why don’t you give it a try and upload it here with specific questions on how to do something you’re having trouble with…
And ofcourse you can use the forum search for specific problems. Just click on the magnifying glass in the top-right corner and use meaningfull search words…
You could start with making the top half of a donut with the follow-me tool…
The requirement to use SketchUp to create a model that was generated using Grasshopper in Rhino in a course means that it is a course for those who are past the beginner stage.
You are too kind @mihai.s And to the OP’s defense…I teach at university and students are often tasked with making deliverables and not to HOW, ie the software. I think it’s a shame to focus on end product over process. Perhaps that’s just me.