Hi Everyone!
Created a model of a house from a plan, and extruded my walls etc - all was 100% perfect! My laptop was closed when I was out and sketchup automatically saved my drawing. I re-opened sketchup and opened autosaved drawing.
Some of my drawing opened, and there parts the walls were not extruded. I cannot select to push/push, and i see from underneath my drawing, there are some walls pushing through the floor! I cant seem to do anything!
Please assist! (ps. how do i upload the drawing here so you can see it?)
Use the Upload button, 7th from the left in the row of buttons above the message space or upload it to the 3D Warehouse and give us the link or the title of the model.
I expect the walls you are trying to extrude are the ones that are actually holes through the bottom surface. If you edit the background color in the Styles window and make it something different than the gray it currently is, you’ll see the holes easily. You can heal the faces by tracing edges with the Line tool.
You really should learn about using groups and components. Creating the model as you have just makes it hard to work with. And it’ll get harder as you go.
In addition, you have a considerable number of reversed faces that need to be fixed. In addition to what @DaveR suggested, you could change your back face color in styles to something garish that will make these stand out. Fixing them now will avoid issues downstream.