Guarding Components

No it did not. SketchUp doesn’t delete things by itself. Post your model if. in addition to ranting, you want actual help.

You deleted it. SketchUp does not randomly delete things.

You can use the Outliner and to search… just start typing in the box at the top.

Assuming you haven’t done something strange with Tags or Hide / Unhide and you have not purged the drawing the component will still be in the component browser.

Sorry for venting.
After a long walk, I downloaded my saved model in 3D Warehouse and transferred the component to my model. It has survived two Saves and a Purge.
I have the web-based SketchUp Shop.
I will try to see if the old component is in Outliner Search.

I work in the Pro version. Not sure if outliner works the same on the web based versions.

I don’t think there is a ‘SketchUp Shop’ anymore… I believe it is called ‘Go’ now.