In the new version I hope SU can improve new tool to make grid, it can creation grid system or grid line. Some features are below
1 The grid include x axis y axis with spacing input, z level.
2 The grid tool can coordination by project base point for large scale project.
3 Automatic make view by grid line
4 In the elevation view can see the z level
5 Grid can update when modify the information
6 Can make grid by line or curve or spline or any path.
You’re right that sandbox is usually used for terrain, but it is still a system for making grids. What are the main things that your idea can do that sandbox tools couldn’t do?
As one example, you want different x spacing and y spacing, so that makes it be different.
Please see my video below for more my idea
Summary for normally SU can not make grid or axis it only draw line and add text it not link plan and section and detail.
If you search the Extension Warehouse for “grid” Search | SketchUp Extension Warehouse, you will find a small range of extensions for drawing grids. See if any of those meet your needs.
I`d like to keep this post alive…before this topic automatically phases out…
Architects need a method for 3D structural grids and floor levels that accurately and reliably display in Layout.
After exploring options* I realized that Trimble actually does not need any new tool to satisfy the many professional architect users.
Instead, really the only thing that Trimble needs to implement is the ability in LO to display a cut face with a linetype of choice. Drawing a rectangular plane representative of a column grid is super simple in SU. The shortfall however is in LO : line overrides (such as a dash-dot for structural grids) are not available for cut objects, currently that is only for elevated objects.
Please SketchUp team, please add linetype control for cut geometry in LO.
P.S.: Options that I tried:
plugin VBO grids - not bad, but does not automatically update. There is still the risk of displacement between SU and LO and therefore the possibility of erroneous documentation.
plugin 3D grid from TohExtensions
3 “Sonders” method - this is mere 2D, not parametric, not linked to the 3D model
If LO had a separate visual style override for elements that are cut by a section plane, then I could just model a 3D set of rectangular planes (pale yellow in my example) representing column grids (and horizontal datums like Floor Levels alike).
And Voila` - in every architectural views - sections and plans alike - my grid/levels would display in the appropriate conventional line style (dash-dot for example).
No workarounds needed.
Fully coordinated with the SU model.
Works for new and existing views.
Simple amendments - just reposition a the face in SU
Hi Paul,
Rather than TIFSectionCut, I am using CuricSections.
I believe that the method is the same: both place decorative geometry representing hatch patterns and line thicknesses just a few millimetres beyond the SU section.
In this zone, above the CuricSection hatch and under the SU section, I can place a 2D component with lines and annotated grid bubbles. For the shown example, the Curic-generated hatch and line thickness was set to 20mm beyond the cut datum. My own component is placed at 10mm beyond the cut datum.
This way I can achieve this - note that the dash-dotted grid line is displaying uninterrupted (it`s not covered by any geometry or hatches/fills). structural grid.skp (403.0 KB)
…the drawback is: I need to place this 3D grid component into/onto every SU view (plan or section). Amendments are easy with component management, however if the SU section is relocated, I would need to follow up moving my 2D grid representation.
Workable, but a lengthy process. And I need to manage tags for separating out the 2D grid components for plan and section drawings. Awkward.
I wish for a more automated method for architects that use SU professionally.
How are you managing this aspect in your documentation sets, Paul? You are an architect also, is that right? Greetings from Melbourne, Australia
I’ve done something similar, except I make my building a component (there are other reasons for that than just this issue), and nested the section planes in with the building. The grid or section cut overlays go in front or on top, not in back or the bottom, and remain visible as overlays because they don’t disappear with the section cut. That also lets you put section cut graphics right on the section plane instead of a couple mm inset from it and still be visible.