Is there no grid tool?

SketchUp don’t seem to have a grid?

I wonder why, because I think it’s easy to count the lines when drawing on a paper with grid, instead of measure all the time in SketchUp.

There’s a plugin from TIG for this, but if you are familiar with the inference system, you will not need it.

But if I want to draw a closet and I want it to be 6 x 6 dm, it would be nice to count 6 squares and then draw a line there, instead of measuring. I can’t see it being that simple in the inference system?

Start to draw and type what you want.

Yes, thank you I know. Maybe SketchUp should have a grid option in the future though.

If you really need it, have a look at TIGs Work plane.

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If you don’t want to type, set in Model Info → Units to your snapping distance to 0.1m. You can then just draw and the measurments box counts for you. Only if you know you really need a more precise number, then type it in.

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Hello to you. I dont know what version you have, Make or Pro. The Sand box tools are offered in the Pro version and I am not sure if they include it with the Make version. The "From Scratch Tool" makes a grid in the green axes and red axes. It asks for a grid size that you type into Measurements box. Then just start from origin into green axes then slide into the red axes. You can use the protractor to set any angle you may need and lay down 3 or 4 "sheets of graph paper" you need. I found it useful when working with Biezer curves and such to help me get the angle or shape I am looking for. I am still a rookie and need to rely on WHAT I feel is useful to help me progress. **NOTE** DONT go smaller then 10 inches for the grid size, it will freeze your model, but for smaller spaces. I do a 10" grid space and go 100" in green axes then 100" in red axes. When you hit enter it makes this grid a group ( bonus!! ) so by then using the tape measure tool. Scale the complete line to 10 or 100 feet if you want. Or use it on one individual box to get 1/4" scale or cms or mms. Going that small in the beginning I think make SU try and create a massive amount of lines and screws it. Also being it turns it into a group any lines or angles don’t stick and you can just hide and un-hide the group for a good look at your work.

There is the plug-in if you only have Make, but I like the “graph paper” as a guide to help me plot, and I figure it out on my own farting around…Peace…

GRID.skp (78.8 KB)

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Sandbox - From Scratch creates a TIN whose diagonals are, by default, automatically Soft/Smooth.
And while those edges are not visible, the tools still infer to them.

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You’re better off just making a grid of edges to whatever size you want.
Lock it so it isn’t movable but inferencing will still work.
Put them on all three axes if you want.
Save different ones as components if you use them often.
Save one as a template if you always want to start with one.

I’ve added a sample model with a 24 foot cube of 1 foot grids.
It is on it’s own layer so can be switched on and off. If you need it bigger, unlock the relevant component and move copy it as many times as you need and lock them again. Or resize the grid and they will all change.
24 foot cube grid.skp (110.3 KB)

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The Grid Tool is one of the original sample plugins the SU Developers put out. It has the additional benefit of being parametric - ie, select the grid, r-click and choose the option to change the grid size.

It may be a good idea to lock the grid so it’s not inadvertently moved.

If you anticipate needing a grid for future models, set up a template with a starter grid in place, and go to File > Save as Template. Choose the option to set that template as your default if desired.


I have to admit I wasn’t aware of this tool.

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That’s really not likely.

The thing that seems not to have been stressed here enough, I think, is that SU does not have a grid feature because it is completely unnecessary–it was not an omission. A grid is an extremely crude and primitive device compared to inferencing, SU’s system of object snaps and dynamic guidelines, which allows you to position objects with precision, flexibility, and ease, and without cluttering up the work environment with a bunch of superfluous geometry. You would be wise to embrace SU and its tools on their own terms if you wish to become proficient.



Thanks for chiming in Gully and I love your advice and your very direct explanations. I can honestly say that with more time and working things the way I can best perceive them. I will be able to utilize each tools most commonly accepted principles and its true function. I have read there are many ways to do the same thing in SU, and your imagination is the only limit? These stand out to me as the first two things I recall. I am like a few others who do not “see things” as 98% of you do. What you see as confusing or cumbersome, I see as easy or normal. Then vise~versus. My disadvantage is a true blessing being I have to teach myself how to use this to fit my needs or what I lack comparatively. Then re-learn it on YOUR terms, for a lack of a better explanation. I hope to some day be able to plot in time and space and hit my idea in one shot. Plus not use the From Scratch tool and a TIN for graph paper. But if I need a piece, it is a cool quick way to get the curve I need laid out. That saves me time and removes frustration, but is not politically correct. But because of all your help I will remember to purge the file from statistics in the Model info drop down. Because deleting it when I am done making the curve wont remove it from the file (size). But sending it to the 3D ware house should do this for you. This info, like all that is offered in this thread is a great help, I did not know of it and I will use to achieve. What I see that many of you have completed or attained with your years invested. It is all given out by most of you on this thread and thankful for it. Remember there are those who ride the “short bus” and in having to do double the work. The time needed for understanding also is increased. Also most “normal” people see this as being the same as if it were from pen onto paper. Not understanding , but only seeing lines drawn were in truth geometry is being created. With that said I can see why many of you are so animent about the “correctness” of each application. Like Box`s post, even though I can change dimensions. I did just that with the screen shot, I drag this around my model and also had one with my key board short cuts.

Constantly seeing and doing it over and over. It was what I needed to do so I could better comprehend what this has to offer and eventually properly utilize. Thanks for the time and help…

This topic is amazing to me…

Why are their no grid lines? how do you quickly see if the object you moved is on the ground or above it without a ground??

To everyone that asks “why do you need them” i say, every other 3D modeling program that considers itself relevant, on the planet has them… so clearly there must be a use for them.

I’ve never found a need for grids myself and they are annoying to me in programs that have them. I’ve never had any problem figuring out where the model is in space in SketchUp. If you think you have to have grids to be able to model in SketchUp, there are extensions that can make them.

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The Sandbox from Scratch tool makes a grid too.

I have not used every 3D modeling program on the planet, but I’ve use a few of them and I can say this is not necessarily true. Many 2D programs have grids, SketchUp is a complete 3D environment with a very sophisticated inference engine which does not really benefit from the outdated concept of a grid. It’s a bit like asking “why are there no wings on this helicopter? Every other flying thing has wings, this helicopter must be broken.”

SketchUp is over 20 years old now and has millions of users, all of them model without a grid. Perhaps a better question would be: “I was surprised not to see a grid like I expected. I guess this program is different than others I have used. Maybe I do not yet understand how this particular program works or how to use it. Is there a good place to start learning how to model in SketchUp?”


goes to videos in link… videos teach you how to draw a grid to use and then erase the lines you manually drew to form the grid when not needed… so… im pretty sure my point is proven if the OFFICIAL solution is to draw a grid… that a grid is useful.

Ok. I have not seen that video, can you post a link to the specific video here?