Gray and black lines

I think you may be missing the point.
It may just be that your new graphic card is giving you better graphics, thin lines, thick lines and multiple lines. Whereas your old system just gave you thick lines.
A bit like getting new glasses and being a bit shocked by how old you look in the mirror now that you can see yourself properly.
Adjusting the AA to 0 is a way of cheese clothing the image.

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I found that it was the NVidia graphic card settings that had to be adjusted.

Cruel - but accurate - analogy. That mirror one!

What were the ā€œNVidia graphic card settings that had to be adjustedā€?
Just in case any of us get the same problem.

I followed these steps:

  1. Right-click on the Desktop and click Nvidia Control Panel .
  2. Click Manage 3D settings .
  3. Click Program Settings .
  4. Select SketchUp from the drop-down list.

There are five settings that you need to configure:

  • Anisotropic Filtering set to Application Controlled .
  • Antialiasing FxAA set to On .
  • Antialiasing Gamma set to On .
  • Antialiasing Mode set to Application Controlled .
  • Open GL set to the name of the video card that you have.