Grace period fees for upgrading SU


My classic Sketchup Pro license expired on Feb. 24, 2019; that’s almost a year ago. When I log into the Trimble Sketchup site it tells me that I need to pay $180 to extend my support for another year (this includes a $60 reinstatement fee).

Does anyone know if this charge will increase after Feb. 24th of this year? I want to upgrade, but not for several months. But if my cost to re-up is going to increase after Feb 24th then I’ll go ahead and upgrade now.


OK. I finally found the answer:

As the time passes after your Maintenance & Support has ended the cost to reinstate the service will increase. If it’s been longer than 1 year since your Maintenance and Support Plan has lapsed then the cost to reinstate will be $120 for Single User licenses and $400 for Network licenses. So for a single-user license, you pay $120 to upgrade your license and $120 to re-enroll in the program for a total of $240.

Three years after your Maintenance & Support subscription has ended, your license will no longer be eligible for renewal and upgrade.

As you found, yes. Until around Feb 23rd you can renew maintenance and support for $180, after that it would be $240.