GPS coordinates in sketchup

Hello all I am modeling a livestock feed milling setup that has existing bins and storage facilities. We are adding an elevator to fill thes bins with feed products. I have RTK gps that I can record GPS coordinates of these bin openings. I would like to import these points into sketchup so i can figure length of fill pipes. Please offer any help you can is this even possible or do i need to upgrade to pro.

It sounds like a commercial project, which requires a Pro license. (You can however hire someone who has a Pro license to do the work for you.)

As far as importing point cloud data, there are several extensions in the Trimble Extension Warehouse, including one by the Trimble team itself.

This plugin can import L,Lo coordinates.
Coords-Tag from Datum v3.4 by TIG

You’ll benefit from Pro’s CAD export/import capabilities.
Moreover, commercial use of SketchUp Make and SketchUp Free is prohibited.

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Thanks: I think my usage is still ok its just for our family farm. I find all this lat long alt / x y z conversion a little confusing. Will the plugin you mention import lat lon alt directly.
best regards

Given your expressed desire to violate the Licensing Agreement to which you agreed when you installed the software, I think my interest in helping you has waned considerably.

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Hello Geo: After having reviewed license agreement i agree i should upgrade to pro. My question now would be can i buy a pro license for 2016 or will i have to upgrade to 2018
Fritz Strahm

If, for instance hardware problems, it is usually probable to buy a ‘lower’ version. Depending on your location, you would have to contact a dealer or support, because you can only buy the latest through the shop.

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The plugin accepts L,Lo,Z via manual data entry or imports a CSV list of data.
Given you most likely have only a few points to enter, I’d recommend entering them manually.


To me, determining the relative location and distance between known points via GPS coordinates seems like going the long way around the barn. A laser distance meter might be more appropriate for the task.

Leica offers a broad range of laser distance tools.

Trimble’s laser distance meter offering is a bit sparse.