Get Visualizer working on SketchUp 2016

I have Visualizer in SketchUp 2015, but this extension doesn’t support the newer versions (2016).
I’ve done a little research and I found out you have to copy 2 items (ImaginationVisualizer and ImaginationVisualizer.rb) from the SketchUp 2015 folder to the SketchUp 2016 folder in a folder called Plugins, which you have to create if it doesn’t exist already.
I have already done that (copied the 2 files to the newer version’s folder) and by doing that you should be able to use Visualizer in SU 2016, but when I open SU 2016, Visualizer doesn’t appear anywhere, not even in Window / Preferences / Extensions.

Any solution?

Thanks in advance.

This is untrue. On Windows editions, the SketchUp “Plugins” folder was moved into the User’s %AppData% folder hierarchy, with the SketchUp 2014 release.

Prior to this, (SketchUp 2013 and older,) had the “Plugins” folder as a sub-folder of the SketchUp program folder. This caused folder access permissions issues for many users.

Some extensions use external installers that can install into a SketchUp “Plugins” folder in the %ProgramData% folder hierarchy, which all user accounts (on a single workstation) can read, but may still have write permission problems for users.

In SketchUp 2016+, if an extension is unsigned, you will need to reduce the Extension Load Policy to either “prompt” or “ignore”.

You’re right. I’ve found these files where you say, but all the users from the forums I read about this found their files in the SketchUp 2015 folder, and that’s why I decided to say I found them in the same place “everyone” did to avoid problems. The thing is I got these files copied, but visualizer doesn’t appear anywhere.
Thank you for your response.

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Again, SketchUp 2016 and higher has extension signing, and a Extension Load Policy. Visualizer came out prior to this. You will need to relax this policy setting, in order to even “check the box” to switch Visualizer on.

I have already marked the Unrestricted option to this policy, but Visualizer doesn’t appear in the extension box.

Did you restart SketchUp ?

Yes. I already had the Unrestricted option marked way before this problem.

I wanted to participate in this discussion, but I’m in the same situation as you. I have the Sketchup 2016 make, win 64bits version, but I can not install the Visualizer plugin;). Sorry for Google English