Generate Report/Excel: How to update an inventory workbook?

Could someone please point me to a method for updating a “living” database/spreadsheet (like a constantly-changing inventory list) from another sheet that processed information from a generated report? Thanks in advance

Living database…? I like the idea.
When working with spreadsheets, i miss database and vice versa. Although the pivoting tables in excel comes pretty near what you can do with Databases, I am more a ‘Database’ kind of person,I think…
I am not familiar (anymore) with excel, but with Filemaker you can set an import ( of generated report saved as .csv) to reoccurring and the fields to update only when importing the (.csv) file. It is not alive, you would need to Generate the report in SketchUp and download the .csv file, each time you would make a change in your design. You can save a customized report to the file, and use that to generate the reports, but that is about it for automation…

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