This is one way of making a ribbed dome.
You’ll need to modify it to make the specific shape that you want, but one basic method is here. I’ve use 20deg to give you 18 sides.
You need to have Fredo’s plugin, Curviloft to make it this way.
I’ll just pop in quickly…
I were obviously completely wrong with that. Although the separate components are solid, when they are made into a component together, THAT component is not solid because of the overlapping/internal faces, hence the problems with the one I uploaded. I tried to make it a single solid and couldn’t, probably due to the large amount of overlapping between components. It could just be beyond my skills of course.
A quote from the forum I saw the other week ran through my mind as I tried last night “If something seems too hard in SketchUp , then your probably going the wrong way about it” or words to that effect.
I am certainly no pro but I just tried to get it solid again (for my own gratification) using solid tools, intersect, solid shell etc. There seems (to me) no simple way to me to get that thing a single solid with those tubes arranged like that, so much manual work is needed (even after solid tools scaled up) it just seems silly to carry on with something like that. A lot of excess geometry has been created and now we have to try to get rid of it to make it solid.
I think the lesson here is don’t create what you don’t need!
The Curviloft solution from Box is a no brainer at this stage. Once you have a grasp of Curviloft, not only is it a lot simpler to model, there is less material involved and I would have thought should print faster too.
I have installed Curviloft (amazing!) and I’m sure that when I’ve got the hang of it I’ll get exactly what I want.
Many thanks to all those who have replied and been so helpful.
Is it true that Curviloft is only through SU13 … that 14 and later will not run this extension?
Nope. Runs just fine in 2017!
Thanks … I’ll have to try it. Interesting that in the extension warehouse, it doesn’t popup when I search on “curviloft”. But if I click on LibFredo6 I can find a link to it. More interesting (not) that the link worked … up until about 10 minutes ago, and now says “Can’t reach this page” when clicked. Any idea why this tool is hard to find/access?
No idea… If you have an account at Sketchucation, you can download the extension here, and download LibFreo here, then install both.
I love this!
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