I’m trying to create an LED in Sketchup, so I’ve made a cylinder, and across the top of the cylinder, I want to make a hemisphere.
I created a quarter circle from the center of the cylinder base, and tried to use Follow Me to sweep it around the circle. Instead of creating a dome, it’s sweeping away a sector from the cylinder base (and deleting my quarter-circle.
I thought that maybe it was an interaction with the already created shape, so I created another circle on the blue plane, not attached to anything. When I swept with Follow Me, it’s still creating 2d Pac-Man shapes.
Is there a mode I’m missing where I’ve gotten into subtractive follow me instead of additive follow me? Please help.
While that works for making blueprints (scaling the image to represent a different measurement) it doesn’t work as well for 3d printing, where the point of making the entire project at 1:1 scale is part of the reason to computer model it.
This component is just for testing that everything fits properly, and isn’t going to ultimately be printed, so I will manage.
As to this not being a bug, it’s a bug. It’s apparently a known bug, as you immediately were able to explain why the software exhibited a behavior other than what a user would expect.
I didn’t just scale the dimensions. The LEDs I drew are actually full size. If I were to export an .stl file for 3D printing the resulting print would be 9.69 mm tall.
Exported .stl uploaded for 3D printing.
No. It’s not a bug. It’s due to the tolerances set in the software to identify when points are coincident. The software is primarily intended for architectural modeling and as such the tolerances are more than adequate.