Every time I use Follow Me the end of the arc is always not aligned with the line like in the photo. Is there a way I can pull it up?
Can you post your skp file for someone to check how is the face and how is the path that you use for Follow Me?
The algorithm SketchUp uses for follow me only works the way one might expect if the path is planar. When it is not planar, the profile twists as it goes around the off-plane parts. In the desktop version there are extensions such as eneroth’s upright extruder that correct for this behavior. But you can’t run extensions in the web versions. You will need to resort to tedious manual methods to get what you want.
The screenshot is so tiny I can’t see exactly what you have set up. Sharing the .skp file with us would help. That said, I think this is the sort of thing you are trying to model. Native Follow Me worked as expected. Either I have the path drawn incorrectly of you have something set up incorrectly.
@slbaumgartner is correct, Eneroth Upright Extruder often makes extrusions the way we might expect them when the native Follow Me doesn’t but it does require the desktop version.
In the example @DaveR showed, the path is built of sections that each bend in only one plane at a time. That is why it worked without twisting the profile. As he noted, we can’t really examine the path you used unless you share the model.
Follow me will naturally bend the shape, but as you see Upright Extruder will keep it flat.
You also have a couple of extra edges interring with your curve.
This is normal since, if you bend the path on two directions, the third one must follow since the 3 axes are all at 90 degrees to each other.
Thank you