Flowify ne fonctionne pas, il indique « ERREUR D'ENTRÉE : entrée insuffisante »

Hi, I am currently using SketchUp for my final year project. I am trying to create a frame for an organic roof, I have followed many tutorials. I have my three groups ready. But when I click on flowify, I get the error message “INPUT ERROR: Not enough input”. Below is the message it says. If anyone could help me that would be great!

INPUT ERROR: Error while parsing the Target grid
The grid must conform to:

  • A cell consists of exactly four edges.

Beware of collinear edge segments

  • Connection edges must attatch to two
    adjecent corners
  • The grid must have four corners
  • Every row in the grid must have the
    same number of cells
  • No holes

KDK.skp (56.1 KB)

If you want to get something like this. You can use a simpler method, but whichever option you try, you need to create a better proper surface.

3D model :arrow_right:
re-KDK.skp (1.2 MB)

Thank you
What do you mean by creating a better surface?

I modified, instead of better, proper surface should have been used, i.e. quad surface, as indicated in the extension page. This is if you use Flowify.

I gave you the model so you can compare the two surfaces.

Could you do it for me with this please?

HHJ.skp (208.4 KB)

HHJ 2.skp (393.6 KB)

You have to do it yourself to learn. And in order to be helped, you have to explain what exactly is in that model and what you expect it to be.

I tried but it doesn’t work. I’m trying to have a frame that follows the shape of the model, it’s for a roof.

What exactly did you try?
Did you follow the tutorial I made, presenting the simpler method in this case?

(click on the arrow to expand and see the clip)

Which is the model you want to create, because there are two different ones in your files. And both are already extruded in certain areas.

ok, i just saw the video. i’m trying to get all 4 of them

When I try to elevate with vortex it just moves it, this is at 2:00 of the video. I didn’t press the move part either

Extrude - press Ctrl Manual - Manipulator Gizmo — Vertex Tools