Fence wire mesh


This is my first publishable live component! :smile:

There are still improvements to be made on the extremities.
But I especially tried to optimize the number of output segments, to avoid making the scene too heavy.

I made the cable by copying a circle profile by offset rotation and conditional translation, then a loft between the circles. Then mirror copy and rotate. Then a succession of 2 copies: vertical, then horizontal. And finally a transformation to straighten the whole thing.

I did a conclusive online test on 3D Warehouse.
Tell me if I’m going too fast on this point!
Here are the details of the proposed parameters:

  • Parametric fence wire:
    Cable radius, width of the square mesh.
  • Output quality parameter:
    Torsional curvature segment number, Number of segments for the extruded profile circle.
  • Output size:
    Number of vertical meshes and horizontal half-meshes.
  • Mesh color.

Here is the link to the graph:

A few questions that I haven’t found a solution to:
How to make a parameter read-only?
How to aerate the list of parameters by creating groupings of parameters?
Add a description or comment with formatting.
Although I grouped the geometries in a final group with a name as a parameter, this one is not kept.

Thank you for your feedback and responses.


hello my friend
I don’t know if it comes from the model (geometry too complex?) or from the connection or the network which is saturated? but I can’t really change the settings? it works once I change the horizontal and vertical settings perfect and then it doesn’t work anymore? I change the same parameters and the geometry does not change anymore
even imported into sketchup 2022 does it bugger sketchup ?

Hello Jack
i had the same problem ! :rage:
I think the number of edges must matter!
Or some operations are more greedy.
Anyway, this kind of component is intended, except small module, to be converted into proxies then duplicated!
But I think there are a few untapped levers to ease the math.
Or as the graph works on small cable section dimensions, it may be necessary to work on a larger scale, generate the component and then reduce it! But it can become a gas plant! :steam_locomotive: :

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Nice graph! Good to see you’re playing with loops a bit.

The non-loading issue is indeed arising due to some complex geometry where Creator is attempting to calculate some unnecessary stuff.

The first thing to note is that loops will output geometry for every iteration they go through (unless you tick the recursive option, but that’s another ball game). So in this case you are copying the wire profile however number of times, then copying it again for every iteration of the loop. We can see this when you RMB-click the first loop node, select “Show info”, and scroll to the end of the panel, the number of primitives will be 4 times whatever value the “number(Segment by 90° cable twist)” parameter is. Then as we loft, that geometry will be 4 times as complex as it needs to be. This happens again with the second loop as well further complexifying the geometry.

As with any parametric problem, there are 101 ways to solve it, here’s three:

  1. We get rid of the copy nodes before each loop, as the loop will “copy” the geometry for us every iteration
  2. We use a get primitive node after each copy node with the index set to the current iteration.
  3. Another option is that we can actually get rid of all the loop nodes in the graph (which can actually reduce the amount of math we need to do). You can look here if you want to know an example of what I would do in this instance, but have a go for yourself to see what you might be able to do!
    As a hint, I used a few geometry centroid/size/bounds nodes, copy nodes, and mirror nodes.
    Trimble Creator

@cam_wells_materia @simjoubert
Our friend Simon is the king of the loop :laughing: :innocent: he’s the only one I know who has made a ruby ​​plugin to add functions to dynamic components and another advanced management plugin for modifying components batch dynamics in a sketchup project
so when Simon is going to be run in, he’s going to make us some wonderful graphs with beautiful “lives components”

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