Apologies if this has been covered already but I can’t seem to find an answer anywhere. My model when I push/pull seems to be connected by some hidden geomtry so when I try to move the face the other faces move with object which
Sorry, I can’t quite figure out from your image what you mean. Could you upload your skp file so we can take a look? Pushpull extrudes a single face in a direction perpendicular to the face. It shouldn’t drag any adjacent geometry along.
You are editing geometry in the Buildings layer, and being in its own layer doesn’t isolate it from geometry in other layers, even if they are currently hidden.
All geometry should be in Layer0, and then you make groups or components, which can be placed into other layers. Geometry inside one group is isolated from geometry in another group, even though both sets of geometry are in Layer0. In other words, don’t use layers as a way to isolate geometry, use groups or components.