Extruding multiple components simultaneously?

I’ve been scouring the forums to try to find some kind of similar question and wasn’t able to find anything quite like this. If there’s an existing thread please let me know.

Novice with SketchUp and just trying to figure out a way to extrude this opening across multiple components without having to carve each component individually. First I tried drawing a box around the opening over individual components using the push tool which obviously didn’t work; then I tried making all the components a group and adding the doorway intersecting the group and push/pull, delete, drawing lines over the face of the components, etc, etc.

I’m assuming there’s a more intuitive method but I’m at a loss. Any nudge in the right direction would be helpful.

Fredo JPP extension

Making a hole in multiple components at once

First, basics of SketchUp at Campus - learn.sketchup.com

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What’s that far right one, a Curic extension?

Curic Face Knife extension.

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This is exactly what I was looking for! I created these shiplap panels with the tongue and grooves cut into to them and cutting holes in them one by was was consuming WAY too much time. Thank you!

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