Exports into DWG File Help

yes, I tried to export via 2D, but I suspects it ending up in some kind of loop (I got a warning when exporting via 3D that some groups where scaled or skewed and unexpected results may occur)
If you are going to need the 2D output anyway, it’s better to have some strategy.
I have ‘Saved as’ three components and opened individually, added a 2D and 3D tag and assigned the 3D objects to the 3D tag, did an export 2D from it and imported that back in the component file, assigned 2D tag and then reloaded back in the main file.

B02.skp (1,6 MB)

scaffale ferro.skp (141,6 KB)

In the main file, turned of 3D and then did the 2D export which took less then 2 minutes, so you can try it yourself:

31 01 22 layout - MPSLT.skpf.skp (9,8 MB)