I have been asked to export a DWG of the floor floor plan of a 3D model. I set the Scene to the 1st Floor plan and exported a 2D DWG file. Does that work? To check it myself, I would have to use SketchUp for Web and import it as a DWG which could lose some information I would assume.
OK, good. That is exactly what I need.
AutoCAD TrueView is free BTW
At first glance, it looks like for a Mac user, the only option is web based, and you need to create an account for that.
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Can any of these solutions open a DWG file and then resave it as an older version of DWG, like 2004 or 2010 say?
Or there is AutoCAD Web App…
looks like it’s more than just a viewer and not free??
How about the free viewer… Download Autodesk Viewers | Free Online Viewers | Autodesk Official
Actually I did know about this one, but forgot in the moment…