Export, Skp 2018 to pdf, with opacity

Hi everyone,

Trying to export to pdf whit the transparenci of each materials, please help.

  *Need to be pdf or every kind of vector.

Sketchup 2019? Has it been released then?

I think not. The guys over. On Skethucation have been chomping at the bit for weeks.

Ah yes, I see the title has now been corrected.

Don’t really understand the question though.




  1. not able to be understood; not intelligible. :roll_eyes:

I believe the OP wishes to export to a vector format, with transparent materials applied to surfaces…

exporting a ‘hybrid view’ from LayOut can achieve that…


Not quite. Hybrid rendering puts vector lines on top of a raster image background.

Vector PDF export cannot render raster effects like texture, shadows or transparency. You can re-apply these effects by editing the PDF in a vector graphics editor like Illustrator or Inkscape, and, for instance, overlay different versions of the view.

Here I exported a version with transparent materials hidden. Then I exported another without transparency. Then I put the second version on top of the first (or copied only the glass from one file to another, it looks the same)and gave it 50% transparency in Illustrator.

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Hi everybody again, this is the one and only solution i found around the web, i was not able to understood until now, apologize my english, and tnak u very much !

But now that i realized, I have a big issue, the solution from @Anssi, is not useful in the case that you have two or more objects, with two or more faces overlapping, like this:

So, what can i do?

Perhaps the EPS/PDF export function in SketchUp and LayOut would need an overhaul. The SketchUp version is, as far as I can tell, unchanged since I started using SU with version 3, way back in the @Last times. According to the Adobe documentation, the PDF format versions 1.4 and later do support vector transparency, and, if a compatibility with antediluvian versions of Acrobat is needed, a “flattened version” would be desirable.

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You can, of course, export in several stages, using the same principle, to achieve the same stacking order in 2D as visible in your 3D model.

Ok, i got it, I’m gonna explain my process, and next my problem.

3D model

This is the model in 3D, in SU pro 2018, this is what I want in the final 2d vector file.

1st export
Here I had to hide the faces in the 1st block in SU

2nd export
Here, I unhide the faces of the 1st block

3rd export
Here I unhide all elements in SU.

Adobe illustrator file

Final file in Adobe illustrator, (as far as i could go), whit opacity and overlapping layers, whit copy in the same place tool.


All right up here, then, the big problem is this:

My real model in 3D is the next:

So, to do the last process I have to spend a lot of time only organizing layers and groups in SU and also in Ai, I wonder if somebody have a better solution.

@Caroline, @Anssi.

I would probably bite the bullet and export a high resolution raster image file, or a hybrid-rendered one through LayOut. Of course the workarounds I described become too complex when there are a lot of faces to get stacking in the right order. Why does it have to be a vector-only image?

I must admit I not use layout, but, I’ll try it.

It has to be vector file for the facility of editing colors and adding strokes, that stuffs, I have to make a desing plan of a skyscraper, academic stuff.

if I can not find the solution, maybe I’ll try to do it in Photoshop and in Illustrator, so can u tell me HOW export a high resolution raster image file?, and how to export that image in the same place of the vector file pdf/eps.


Might be a factor, but are you running bootcamp or parallels on your Mac?