After January 2020 the export of .dae models into Google Earth Pro (v7.3.2.5776) no longer seems to work.
An error message in Google Earth gives “Could not read file” (.dae).
Did the export format change?
The file may be corrupted.
In that case, verify whether you can import the exported file back into SketchUp. -
SketchUp 2020 could be using a newer/different version of the Collada (.dae) file format. Collada was not designed for Google Earth, but Google Earth designed a file format (.kmz) that can include a Collada 3D model together with a geographic position.
Try exporting from SketchUp as .kmz file. -
To check whether the issue is specific to your exported file or more general, try whether your version of Google Earth is capable of importing other people’s SketchUp 2020 .dae/.kmz files by doing a date search on 3D Warehouse and downloading the .kmz file: Search for house | 3D Warehouse
Do you need to export as a DAE file to Google Earth?
Normal export as KMZ file works fine with SketchUp 2020.
Thanks for your reply.
I am using Sketchup Web (current license) for export and then importing the exported file in Google Earth pro manually.
In the “import model menu” Google Earth only allows for import of .dae files (no .kmz files can be read)?
How do you import your .kmz models?
It could be that Google Earth distinguishes between “Open” (native format how data is represented in this application like .kml/.kmz) and “Import” (other formats that need to be converted to the native format).
That worked!
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