Escape key

My escape key no longer works when I want to move position of a tool without exiting the tool. For example: if I’m using the tape measure tool I select a spot to start the measure click on that spot then if I change my mind about where I want the measurement to start I press escape and I can reposition the tool. Since escape stopped working it means that after positioning the measurement I have to press space bar or select tool then select the tool again and reposition.
Can anyone help by suggesting a way to fix this without getting too complicated or talking too technical…thanks in advance

What version of SketchUp are you really using? There is no SketchUp for Schools 2018 like you put in your forum profile. What version of Mac OS are you using?

3 solutions

  • do what you do. space + tool again
  • get a new keyboard
  • there are remapping softwares. they change what a certain key think it is. you could se another key as esc. I don’t know any specific name, you’ll have to look for it yourself.

also the profile thing dave mentioned.
also, what keyboard is it ? what brand ? an apple one ? something else ?
some brands provide their own mapping solution.

I tried using tape measure and pressing Escape, in 2018 and in 2024, and the behavior seems to still be the same.

I use the shortcut key to start the tape measure tool and hit again if im measuring or making a new construction line (Old school draftsman here, I use a lot of construction lines) Mine is the “T” character I believe thats the sketchup default.

I have Sketchup Pro Version 23.1.328
I use it on my 2022 Macbook pro laptop

I have macOS Monterey version 12.5

Update your forum profile with that information, then. Listing a version that never existed just makes it hard for us to help you.

Thanks Dave,
i didn’t realise my profile was set up incorrectly. Ive just updated it…should be good now. Cheers

My escape key no longer works when I want to move position of a tool without exiting the tool. For example: if I’m using the tape measure tool I select a spot to start the measure click on that spot then if I change my mind about where I want the measurement to start I press escape and I can reposition the tool. Since escape stopped working it means that after positioning the measurement I have to press space bar or select tool then select the tool again and reposition.
Can anyone help by suggesting a way to fix this without getting too complicated or talking too technical…thanks in advance

well have you considered what I said ?

edit :

I mean, you reposted your first message word for word, it’s only faire game I do the same with my first answer in’it? :wink:

Are all tools affected? Can you use Esc to exit groups or components in Select tool? Can you use Esc in other programs?


i have tried the space bar idea but not as quick or convenient as using the escape tool
i can’t get a new keybaord as i have a laptop
i have no idea about this remapping thing you speak of

  • Yes, all tools are affected…for example i was rotating an object and selected the wrong plane to rotate in, usually i would press escape and select the correct plane. Instead i have to press space bar to exit tool then go to edit and undo rotate, then reselect rotate tool and start again.
  • Nope, i can’t esacpe groups or component s once selected using the escape key
  • Escape key works in other programs…thanks

Actually, enu_su, i just tried using the escape key in excel and it didn’t work…must be something separate to sketchup…cheers

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I googled “mac remapping key”

you can. it’s called an external keyboard. granted it’s not the most practical way to go around.
My brother has had one with his macbook pro for years, after a tragic beer water accident. :sweat_smile:

it sounds like your esc key is actually broken.

check here

it’s a keyboard tester, press keys and they’ll show up on top.
if you press esc, does anything show up ?

Thanks for all your suggestions…i just remembered the “IT Crowd” fix everything solution…turn off computer then turn on again…escape key is now working…cheers

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hahahaha the wisest advice IT can give you indeed.

also… I know it’s very tempting to just close your laptop and reopen it, but restarting now and then is a good practice.
start every week with a fresh boot :slight_smile:

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Maybe because I have worked in the creative field with computers for so long, but I reboot as soon as I feel the computer doing anything weird, which is every couple of days. Kinda like that instinctive save with my left hand after every couple of edits, it’s almost like I’m traumatized by adobe software in the 90s.

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