Error Opening LayOut File

Hello to Everyone ! :slight_smile:

I have a HUGE problem with LayOut that decided that it won’t open my file…
I created 90 Pages Portfolio with multi hi-res images and the size of file went to 2.05 gb. Yes,i know,its enormous. Last time everything was fine and suddenly when i wanted to open the file to continue its just keep showing me the message ''Error reading LayOut file - (and the path of it) ‘’ . I made a copy of the file,renamed it, renamed the folder that contains it, the same frustrating result.

Please Help ! Its 2 weeks of hard work and sleepless nights in this file. At least i want to get it in ‘‘read only’’ or in any other format …

Help me SketchUp gurus !

( Anssi Wainio i am seeking your wisdom also ! )

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :slight_smile:

using a copy, change the extension from .layout to .zip…

open the zip file…

find and remove the ‘last straw that broke the camels back’ bit if you can…

rename it maybe.layout…

does it open?


I tried to open it in renamed version, nothing. I made it *.zip and opened it, i can see the file list but it not letting me to preview anything-it shows the message ‘‘file corrupted’’ (or something like that, my winrar is in other language) and it not letting me to delete any file in it also showing me a similar message.
I am ok to upload it (to dropbox for example) if anyone want to try to solve it…

post it and add the link, maybe one of us, @Tommy or one of the other SU staff can have a look…


Thank you !
I am uploading the non renamed version of it to Dropbox , it will be done in about 6 hours ,because my upload speed is quite slow. I will share a link of it directly after upload

So, here it is → Dropbox - Error

In the case there is no hope to save it, at least i need the text from every page,(its the description of each diagram and infographic,and its in greek)…
Thanks to everyone again :slight_smile:

As I said in my reply to the PM you sent me, you could try contacting the technical support at
Support - Technical Support | SketchUp Help and referring them to your Dropbox link.


Thank you Anssi , i will contact them also :slight_smile:

I found one corrupt reference image file that’s stopping me unzipping the folder… [I am on a mac]

it’s the one after 4294957645_29_1_3712.png, and I think it’e a .bmp and the error may be in the encoding of it’s real name…

if you can unzip and see which image it is, removing it and re-zipping, re-naming may work…

edit: it mat be ref/577450789_68_3785.bmp

I am quite new to all this ‘‘magic’’ with the WinRAR and the zipping procedure but i am very excited.
So,i changed the extension (to the same file i posted) to *.zip, opened in (with WinRAR), healed it (there is a button at the top bar menu), deleted all bmp files, and then unziped it →
it made a folder that includes a document.xml,
document properties xml,
a ref folder (all the png’s are there) ,
a pages folder with xml files inside

None of xml file have something relative to any text i had below these png’s and bmp’s , and these description texts is the elements i need to recover the most.
(the descriptions are in greek, i am greek)
I wonder where is the text i was writing on every page in the layout file…
if i will get these text descriptions, i will be totaly satisfied and just redo all the pages again as they were
Any thoughts about where is the ‘‘text’’ stored??

I believe in the pages folder xml files

where I can see you have some ‘Ubuntu’ font’s…

you should mention if your not running a standard install, as that may be the issue…


Yes i have Ubuntu and Century Gothic font… but the description text is nowhere, i checked most of the xml files that represent the pages and there is not even one word from the actual text description…
I dont get you by what you mean standard install, but if i am understanding correctly what you mean, yes, i am not running under standard install

These text senteces should be stored somehow somewhere, its not making sense as it is now

this is text in xml and tells me you used a fcharset161Ubuntu to make it…
<e:rtfTextRep>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1253\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1032{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset161Ubuntu;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0Ubuntu;}}{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0 ;}{\*\generator }\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\f0 \sl240\slmult1\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\tx9360\tx10080\tx10800\tx11520\tx12240\tx12960\tx13680\tx14400\tx15120\tx15840\tx16560\tx17280\tx18000\tx18720\tx19440\tx20160\tx20880\tx21600\tx22320\tx23040\cf1\f0\fs26 88\f1\lang2057\par &#x0A;}</e:rtfTextRep>

I’m on a mac [also Unix based] but something in your file is stopping me from pin pointing the corruption in one of you image files…

but, I spent time trying to workout why my ‘Window’ unzip tricks weren’t working, and now I know I should have been filtering for Linux errors as well…

It would have been easier and may have found the problem if I had known that upfront…


First of all, i want to say a HUGE thank you for your help, i really appreciate it. :slight_smile:

I am running on Windows 10 (always worked on windows) and never worked on other os (Linux or macs)…so i am completely new to the ‘‘tricks’’ and solutions can been done by filtering for linux errors etc…
I kinda lost any hope that the layout file can be recovered as it was, so i am searching all the texts that were written below each of these hi-res pngs and bmps(it was separate,below every stand alone image, i wrote a text directly in layout)…
If i will get these sentences i will redo the whole document in about 5-6 hours (as i have all the pics) , otherwise i will spent days to find and write this information in the way it was…
I used 2 fonts for these texts as i wrote before,Century Gothic and Ubuntu.
And there were normal sentences with normal words (in greek,a 3-4 sentences decription for each diagram above), not a ‘‘code’’ (or i dont know what it is) what is in xml files…
These code sentences are an encoded text or something else?

You might consider putting the text for each image into a separate RTF text file. Put those files into a common folder. Then insert them into the LO project. You’ll have more text formatting options available and just as with the image files, the text files would be available for other projects if needed. If edits to the text are required, edit the rtf file and update the references just as you can do with SketchUp models and images.

Good luck getting it sorted.

DaveR the current project was the only one i was writing the information directly and only in layout file,in all other projects i am keeping all the components (texts,models,images etc) in a seperate ‘‘source’’ folder.

I am searching a solution how i can recover the actual text from the crashed layout file

If you have to search the XML files for your text, it appears you could search for the text following the font size indication or before '\par. I opened a page reference for one of my LO projects to have a look. Each text entry was preceded by ‘fs’ and a number based on the size of the text as below.

fs12 Post,\par 2 in. dia by\par 19-3/8 in. long\par

The '\par indicates a carriage return or new line. It would probably still be tedious but you could copy the text between fs12 and the last \par in the line and paste that into a word document. Leave the intermediate new line indicators and later use Find and Replace to eliminate them. Not a perfect solution but it would get you going if deleting the corrupt BMP didn’t work.

Two things to try…

move or copy to a ‘simple’ path and unzip, avoiding periods, spaces and ‘special’ text…

C:/Users/User/Desktop/.KVA GR Τεύχος/KVA GRv2.layout >> C:/Users/User/Desktop/

open documentProperties.xml and change line 3 to match the new path


remove all the images from the ref folder…

re-zip, and re-name…

does that one open?

if not, it should be small enough to post here…


I made the exact steps you mentioned above, and its still does not open
Here it is → KVA_GR.layout (152.5 KB)

If this file cannot be recovered i think the next (or last solution) is to convert the rtf coded text(the ''code sentences you post in your previus message John is the actual text,i found out that by trying to unzip just a simple layout file with words in varius fonts,sizes and languages) to plain text (on every page) , but i still searching how to do it on my Windows os.

for example, how to decode (or convert) this →
<e:rtfTextRep>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1253\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1032{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset161Ubuntu;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0Ubuntu;}}{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0 ;}{*\generator }\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\f0 \sl240\slmult1\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\tx9360\tx10080\tx10800\tx11520\tx12240\tx12960\tx13680\tx14400\tx15120\tx15840\tx16560\tx17280\tx18000\tx18720\tx19440\tx20160\tx20880\tx21600\tx22320\tx23040\cf1\f0\fs26 88\f1\lang2057\par }</e:rtfTextRep>
into normal plain (txt) text???