Error on Component Options window when downloading in window

It doesn’t appear this issue has been addressed yet by the developers. It just started happening to me yesterday (4/19/17). I use SketchUp almost daily, and the only change to my system that I’m aware of since SU was last working properly on my machine is a Windows Update earlier this week.

This issue is definitely related to the directory path, and does not occur for me until I SAVE the file for the first time.

Generally, I save my files on my desktop: C:\Users\user\Desktop, but now I cannot, due to this issue. In my case, the issue is related to the “user” directory. If I save within a differently named user folder, or save a level up (i.e., within C:\Users) I have no problem.

This problem occurs regardless of the SketchUp version I try (15, 16, or 17), and updating or reinstalling the Dynamic Components extension does not resolve the issue.

Anyway, saving my files to a different location is not the end of the world, but on the other hand, such a bizarre issue is really not acceptable either. This really should be an easy fix for the developers.

Hope this was helpful.

Thank you.