Error: Invalid SketchUp File type provided. Acceptable SketchUp File types are: ".skp" or ".kmz"

I have been trying for more than 12 hours to upload and update components of a catalog in 3D Warehouse, through the “Bulk Manage Content” system, but it presents the following error in the .skp files:
“Error: Invalid SketchUp File type provided. Acceptable SketchUp File types are:” .skp “or” .kmz “.”

I checked the files and they are all correct.

I’ve used Bulk Manage Content on another occasion and it worked normally.

Following are images of the problem, of the spreadsheet, of the files and an example skp file.

Please, could someone help me?



Hi Daniel. Sorry to hear that you’ve been having trouble with the upload.

In the CSV, under file name (column D), have you tried including the entire file name in each cell, including the .skp file type suffix? E.g. “PASINATO REVESTIMENTO VULCANO.skp”

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Hi Mike,

I realy forgot to includ the file type at the end of file name.

Many thanks!!!