Error flowify curve without corners

Hello, I would like to know your advice on how to use Flowify to apply a pattern to an organic support without corners. Even if I cut the organic support in half to obtain 2 corners it does not work. Thank you


You need four distinct corners on the quad-faced target surface for flowify to work.

As you can see, my face target has no corners. One solution would be to cut the target surface to get a square, but that would take so much time. So I extruded each pattern one by one and then used face intersection.

I was going to suggest that but the result will not exactly be the same and I was afraid you would say it doesn’t suit you. Another option would be working with solids and solid tools but again it would be 2D projection from top and you wouldn’t have your pattern perfectly following your organic shape. It all depends on the scale of it, if it’s very tiny it would not matter much

Applying Flowify to an ellipsoidal wavy shape

It’s necessary to properly prepare the surface for this case. In addition to the four corners, it is necessary for the surface to have proper flow quads.

You can also create this type of surface in SketchUp, using several extensions, including Artisan 2, AligEnds, SUbD, Vertex Tools.

I see, this solution is still very complex for me. I used to work mainly with Solidworks. I am still learning Sketchup and I hope that this software will provide simpler solutions in the future.

:wink: and the future is already here… I also created a tutorial with this solution, using only SketchUp and a few extensions.

But if you are a beginner, first learn the basics of SketchUp at Campus -

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I thought of your case and you may use fredo6’s visuhole (free on sketchucation - make sure you also install LibFredo6 v14.3b and Sketchucation PluginStore v4.4.0 too)

don’t forget to tick the “follow the surface of selection” button before applying the stencil shape



Thanks Paul, visuhole is better. I would say it is fine when you use it for a huge shape like you the one you made. If I need to be very precise with a small surface and a large pattern this is different. I’m still working on it. By the way how did you make the organic surface?

You can use any group just like I did, I only drew three circles but it can be anything, just like your shape, only you’ll need to use the negative, faces where you have holes.
For the organic surface I used nothing but native tools, among the sandbox tools

You can have a very precise result if you set guide lines / points first

Here is the video to explain two issues: First, if I select a specific point, the shape will not drill through the surface. Only if I select the centre of the shape I can cut the shape. Then I tried using the emboss function through the surface and still the surface is not cut properly. Any ideas?

I’m on a computer to record anything. But for that kind of operation have you tried exploring the native solid tools ?

It worked with the native Solid tools. Thank you.