Enscape vs Vray on Studio version

A little suggestion for future versions of Sketchup Studio.
Enscape & Chaos Vray recently merge.
It will be great to have at least the possibility to be able to choose the rendering software we want to use.
Even if vray is the best quality, it takes much more time to learn and render compare to Enscape very easy to use, as Sketchup.
What do you think about ?

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Hi, any update on that point. Does Enscape will be include into the Sketchup studio version ? Thanks

No. Just V-Ray at this time.

ok noted, I think it will be a great alternative going best with Sketchup simplicity spirit. That’s just my advise :wink: thanks for your reply

Maybe someday. The SketchUp+V-Ray partnership was formed before Chaos acquired Enscape. So who knows what the future will be now that Chaos envisions both render engines as part of a larger workflow.

I’m From Brazil, i work with sketchup + enscape.
Recently i got the studio version of sketchup, but unfotunatle we only have the vray option…
I would like to choose the enscape instead of vray…

Just did this observation for future updates.