English SketchUp 2013, 2014, Russian Windows 7

What is it? English SketchUp 2013, 2014, Russian Windows 7…

Hi @rialik,

Please be sure to ask a clear question before posting links away from the forums. This got flagged as Spam because users thought the link went to something malicious. I’m inserting the image below (which you can do by dragging and dropping into the editor)

I’ll also let our QA team know about this misstep in translation. It may be a limitation in the new configurable Toolbars but we’ll find out.

Well now I feel silly.

We never localized SketchUp Pro 2014 in Russian so I can’t offer you any help. Where did you get a Russian version of the software?

Please re-read my question carefully - “English SketchUp 2013, 2014, Russian Windows 7”

Technically, that isn’t a question it’s just a string of product names. I’ve only extrapolated a meaning for your post from the screenshots.

In any case, because we haven’t created a Russian version of SketchUp we can’t guarantee that all strings will translate and we can’t offer support with any failed translation made by Windows when rendering the application.

The Toolbars dialog was a side-effect from using newer Microsoft libraries for SketchUp’s user interface in 2013. I could imagine that the dialog texts are not included inside SketchUp, but inherited by these user interface libraries (which seem to use the system language [Russian] even if SketchUp is in a different language [English]). It is not due to SketchUp, but to your operating system being Russian. I hope it doesn’t bother you.

I have never worked in the Russian version, and my Russian localization is not interested. The question was about the fact that in the English version see the pieces of the Russian interface!.. Thank you, but answer “why” never received…