Element or Component counter?

Is there an Extension that can create a ‘spreadsheet’ or material counter available for Sketchup?

Basically i wanted to count simple components such as Chairs and Tables etc as i select them. For example on conventions i have to place 100s of chairs around a venue and would like to have a ‘count’ as i select them instead of ‘zooming in’ to manually count them.

This would also be helpful for maybe counting materials so its easier to order them.
I.E. counting chairs, counting fences, counting truss, counting decks, total weights, total sq footage, etc.

maybe “BIM UP 5D”

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Look to the top menus in SketchUp Pro

File > Generate Report

Key to generating meaningful reports:

• Model Organization
• Naming is Everything

See this video for ideas:


Thank you guys, i will look into this.