Editing PlaceMaker Terrain

I’m still in search of the ideal method of editing (i.e. re-grading) land forms, but on a recent project, I found what PlaceMaker had for landform was much worse than the town’s own GIS system, which itself isn’t perfect, especially compared to our surveyor’s contours, but they only cover the project’s property, not the surroundings. My hybrid solution was to use the GIS system contours as a context, and projected the PlaceMaker aerial photo (which was excellent) onto it. For the project itself, I had to use the surveyor’s contours and then blend the GIS contours into them so they would match. It was all quite tedious. I still can’t make sense of North from different source and have to fudge that to fit.

Still experimenting with regrading. Solid tools has helped to reshape the existing landform to new shapes, but I’m no master.

(I posted a video in my gallery thread here.)

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