Edit Pantry Panel

I am really new and need some hand holding on probably some simple stuff.

I am creating a simple Pantry and have the left side defined and I think it is a component. My issue is I added drawer runner spacers but they did not become part of the left side panel when I copied it to make a right side panel. My adjustable shelves pin holes worked OK. If I click all the way into the component and create a spacer it seems to become part of the panel and I cannot adjust the position. Really confused on number of clicks for different edits.

I am also using the 2017Make version but trying to move away from it. In that program I found a command to flip the panel on an axes but not in the free web version? Do I use the Protractor?

Ken Davis

File link: SketchUp


Could you download the .skp file to your computer and share that? The link to the viewer isn’t very helpful in this case.

There are several possibilities for why this might be. If your left side is a component and you added the drawer runner spacer as a component outside of the side component, it will only show up where you modeled it. Maybe the side isn’t a component. Maybe it’s loose geometry or it’s a group.

For loose geometry, a single click with the Select tool selects the entity you clicked on, double click on a face select the face and its bounding edges, triple click selects all connected geometry. For components and groups, a single click selects the component or group, double click opens it for editing, triple click opens it for editing and selects all of the entities within.

If you cannot use the Flip command or Reverse along an axis, you can also scale along an axis by a factor of -1 (minus one).

Here is the file
Pantry Cabinet.skp (303.7 KB)


Your spacers are component outside of the side component as they should be so there’s no reason they should appear on the right side of the case at the same time.

The right thing to do as far as they are concerned is use Flip/Copy to copy them to the other sidse.

Before you do that, however, you need to correct the case side component thing. You made a component of the left side, then opened it for editing, select the geometry within and use d Move/Copy to create the right side. The problem wit that is your left and right sides are just loose geometry within a larger component. It’s kind of like you’re planning to start with a huge block of wood and whittle out the two side panels and through away everyhthing in the middle.

I don’t know where that comes from but what you’ve done seems to be a fairly common new user error.

In a case like this the most practical thing (after deleting the geometry for the right side of the case would be to select the left side component and the spacers and use Move/Copy and then Flip or Flip/Copy to make the right side of the case. When you get inished it should look like this:

I’ve selected the components on the right side. Notice how the blue bounding boxes tightly fit the geometry of each part.

Here is something scary; I think I understand what you guys are saying.
I did find the Flip icon so let me give this a go.

Thanks so much to you and Jean leading me to this point. I will report back on how it goes.

Ken Davis

Check your PMs, Ken.

Thanks for getting back to me. I did find the Flip and figured it out. That worked pretty good.