Dynamic components library creation

I’m trying to create my kitchen cabinets library. So i created my first DC, basic cabinet, then copied it and developed into another kind (lets say different amount of doors). But when i get both of them into one sketchup file, they fail. In the outliner i see that they take each other inside components (for example shelf) and then doesnt behave the way I want. I tried to change all the components names and instance names, and attribute names on both of them, but it didnt help… Does it mean that each time i need to create DC from scratch? Or I’m missing something here?

Have you tried to make your nested components unique instead of changing their names?

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After a copy, immediately use Eneroth’s “Deep make unique” from extension warehouse, this assures base groups are made unique as well as all levels of components. Do this before any changes and always from a base file before “saveas”


Deep make unique worked just fine, thank you very much!