I am working on a theatre stage setting. Rather big file to share.
Come to the point of constructing the wall frames. Some horizontal and vertical 2x4’s with different lengths to chose from, defined in Component Attributes.
After selecting different size in Component Options and pressing Apply the components size changes accordingly, but the text next to it remains the previous length size. How come? Bug?
Anyone who knows how to solve this?
Greatful for your help.
Can you share the wall frame components or framing member component?
If exported into a new file.. called frame.. It still has the mentioned problem. Hope you can clarify why this occurs..
Kind regards,
frame.skp (277.0 KB)
I made a screenshot vid to show you the issue…
Hope this helps you..
Kind regards,
It’s the level at which you have placed the dimensions that is causing the issue. Don’t include the dimensions within the component. I redid the dimensions in your model and also added the ability to set the dimensions for the frame component.
WOW..! Thanks a million dimensions DaveR..! I’ll adjust it straight aways. I’m sure it’ll solve the issue.
Have a great day..!
You’re quite welcome. I hope it does sort things for you.
FWIW, your model has a bunch of redundant dimensions. You probably don’t need all of them.
Thanks.. it worked… problem solved.