Dynamic component instance name

There is no connection between the “Name” attribute and the component other than the time it is used before using DC attributes. However the instance name will be reflected in both the option and dialog on insertion provided neither the “Name” attribute or the header of the attribute dialog has not been changed. It is possible to make this work by deleting the “Name” attribute if used, however if there has been a change in the dialog header the connection is permanently broken.

Working Cabinets File (3).skp (98.4 KB)

Rather than the component definition, you can use entity name in the report which is the instance name (Report attached to above file)

In Layout you can reference the instance name and other details if they are exposed in the options dialog.

example.layout (72.7 KB)

Otherwise you would need a Ruby script to populate the attribute(s) with the current instance name, or updating the “Name” attribute if used, or _name if used in a formula. There has been no update to resolve these and many other issues, its quite likely there will be none (being 10 years now) so Ruby is the only way to extend this work flow.

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