Get Component Definition and Description

I need to get dynamic component definition, not instance name. I can’t find info about it. Maybe somebody can help me.

Taking you literally, the associated ComponentDefinition name is obtained by

But that is well-documented, so I wonder if that is really what you meant? Are you seeking to get at the attributes, options, etc. of the DC rather than simply the ComponentDefinition?

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Thank you so, so much for the reply. Yes, i tried this before. And result was nothing. Maybe it was some others bugs, or my beginners fail, because, it is perfect result now.

But I can’t get description with that.
In documentation :

Get the description

componentdefinition = Sketchup.active_model.definitions[0]
description = componentdefinition.description

Maybe, i m using that stupidly?
In result, i need string.

If the definition has a description you code will return it - otherwise it’s empty ""
To see it use:

p description

or to see its ‘class’ use:

p description.class

However, if you are actually looking for the DC’s description it’s a different thing.
A DC definition has its own separate attributes which can be read…

componentdefinition.attribute_dictionary("dynamic_attributes").each_pair{|k,v| puts "#{k} = #{v}" }

will print out ALL of the definition’s DC attributes, including ‘description’,
which can be got thus:

dc_description = componentdefinition.get_attribute("dynamic_attributes", "description", "")

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