Dynamic component - Copy Issue

Hi everyone,

I’m struggling with something, probably, very simple… I’m trying to get the light blue elements in my drawing copy itself with a desired spacing… But i’m not able to get it working… can someone help me out please?

Thank you in advance

Kind regards


copyfile.skp (2.0 MB)

Have you looked at this: Making components that copy | SketchUp Help?

Getting copies to work is a bit fiendish but it does work.

use copy not copies * spacing
if you look via outliner at a copy you will see a read only attribute in each copy with a value corresponding to its number.

copies is the total number, = 4
original has no visible copy attribute, but its value is 0,
then each copy, 1,2,3,4
makes the distance formula work
x = copy * spacing
x = 0 * 50 = 0
x = 1 * 50 = 50
x = 2 * 50 = 100
x = 3 * 50 = 150
x = 4 * 50 = 200 which is the same as copies * spacing

Moreover, you have an extra set of copies as the parent, you need to choose which you wish to copy and remove the other