Draw line with given offset


I’m trying to find a plugin that can draw lines like the regular linetool but at a offset value to where i’m drawing or tracing the line from a floorplan.
It’s been a while since i’ve used sketchup and i can’t remember using or find a plugin with this option.

Just as an expample,
When I import a 2d floorplan the walls have a width of 100mm where I only need to draw a line in the center at 50mm so I can create a face instead of al wall with thickness.

I can do this using the normal offset tool, guide lines or snap to midpoint but if the offset is instant while drawing the line it would be even better.

I sometimes use Didier Bur’s old Double Line extension to draw walls. I think it could be found at SketchUcation.

You can use Dibac or Profile Builder

Thanks for you’re help and fast reply Anssi,

I’ve tried the various settings and this plugin makes it much more easier. Especially when dealing with floorplans that don’t always have the correct midpoint to snap to. I don’t think the the plugin can create only one line but deleting the one that’s not needed is just as easy.

Thanks rtches,

That’s the one I could not remember! going to give it a try next week. Maybe I can even find my old licence for this plugin.

If you mean Dibac and you can’t find the license, send me a direct message and I’ll see what I can do

Sorry, I ment Profile builder. I’ve tried or used Dibac in the past but I don’t know if it was a trial or that I had a license (at least 4 years ago). Going to be a while since the SketchUp model has to be imported to another program that I’m not familiar with and has many limitations to what the SketchUp model can contain. Also going to give Dibac a try.

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