FREE but similar to Dibac extension?

I need to draw walls easily, basically faster way to build a house.

What are the free plugins for you recommend, please share with me.

there are some free options, visit sketchUcation (.com) and go to the pluginstore, you’ll need to register to download, but it is free

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• Extension Warehouse : Vali Architects | Instant Scripts

This free extension has that ‘drawing walls’ feature along with other useful architectural stuff you might need: Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse

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1001bit Tools (Freeware) is a collection of various tools useful for fast creation of architectural elements.

Staircases, spiral staircase, windows, doors, > walls, customised openings on walls, automatic generation of hip roofs, rafters and purlins etc.

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I have been wasting my time drawing lines and lines all day (MADNESS) AND then I saw a tool that builds walls and I was like WHY? On earth is this not part of SketchUp.

Such tools should be installed by default when user selects a template. At least show a ■■■■ slide show for extensions/plugins that they exist and can make your life easier! I’m going to report this to SketchUp team now. This is beyond stupid not to show a new user.

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Trimble have made SU simple to use and simple for programers write plugins for taking some of the hard work away from us. Those plugins are not Trimble’s to push so all they can do is show you how to use the tools they have supplied. Keeping it simple and reasonably priced.

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Many users have no need for tools like Dibac but you would force them to have those tools anyway.

So are you going to sit through a slide show showing over 1000 different extensions for SketchUp? Seriously? And how is anyone to know in advance what extensions would make your life easier?

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SketchUp is consistent in the way that it doesn’t add features that you can achieve in a longer way, or quicker way if you add extensions. Making a sphere is one example. You can easily make a cylinder, cube, even a cone, but it’s about four, not too obvious steps to make a sphere. I guess that primitives are not expected to be needed much, and if you do need them there are extensions to make it easier.

So, although your basic point about it would be nice to have wall building features in SketchUp itself is true, I wouldn’t expect that to ever happen.

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Obviously the Slide Show will show some of the Popular extensions and its not advertising its educating users that they can go online and find something useful that makes their life easier. I had no idea if I could turn off Centimeter, until I found that feature and I wasn’t looking for it.

I am a new user and I know how to use a software/windows, I am in Web Designer/Application Developer and even I had no clue. so, just to be clear this is not Good for those who aren’t even good at computers. I know programming languages C# / Java, etc… I am in I.T but not everyone is out there. You may be using SketchUp for a very long time and learned over time while others don’t have to waste there time learning on there own.

and just to be Clear, all apps desktop/web that have plugins/Add-ons educate the users through some way, even google chrome and Firefox show how to add Add-ons and themes to improve user experience. I went through hell even after I watch tutorials.

Each of the functional activities to produce walls as shown in the 1001bit Tools tutorial are available in the native SketchUp software. The same configuration can be constructed in less time and requires less cleanup by simply using a defined workflow.

  1. Start by creating the mass structural plan outline.
  2. Offset the perimeter by the exterior wall thickness width dimension.
  3. Place rectangle objects to conform to the interior dimensions of the rooms in the appropriate relationship to the perimeter.
  4. Offset each line representing the interior room surface of the new horizontal rectangles by the appropriate interior wall dimension.
  5. Clean up any unwanted intersections.
  6. Push-Pull to the appropriate height.

I happen to have downloaded 1001bit Tools a few years ago and have used it extensively, but it is not my preferred go to extension. I make use of several extensions which greatly expand my ability to exploit SU’s capabilities, however, the native tools that are included in the program are sufficient to perform all of the tasks indicated in the video that was included in your recent post.

Many users have developed unique methodologies and workflows to develop SU models, and the software provides users with the ability to work without the need for addons, but allows for content developers to contribute additional ways to use the software. It seems incumbent upon potential users to find out what else may be available. I often find out about extensions by visiting [Extension Warehouse]( or [SketchUcation](SketchUp Plugins | PluginStore | SketchUcation) or simply performing a [browser search](Google*).

Click the urls following the highlighted words to be directed to the corresponding links!

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I understand your frustrations. Ive just found the louvre tool on 1001 bit after agonising over trying to draw a venetian blind. But drawing it for myself first has added to my skills so not so much a waste of time.

I come from a background with totally no computer experience and yep, I sometimes wish someone would do it all for me. But a question posted on here or a search through sketchUcation often brings the right answers. Trust me. If I can find my way, then just about anyone can.

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Hi @Scooter,

I hope you accept this correction in the positive spirit it is offered, just in case you reference “louvre” in a drawing or document that is viewed by others. Please click the following link.

Dictionary definition: Louvre vs. louver

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Depends on your nationality.

Louvre door is a perfectly good spelling and meaning in British English.

Louver door is the American equivalent.

In both countries, we’d refer to the Louvre Museum in Paris.


Sorry @jvleearchitects Although accepted in the positive British spirit one has, @john_mcclenahan is correct in the British spelling as one and all can see illustrated below.:wink:

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OK. I buy your illustrative reply…if you are located in the U.K. Your profile doesn’t say.

So where do you live?:grinning:

All meant in good taste my friend :grinning:

Im in Surrey about 40miles from London. Profile updated.

My bad! I’m in the U.S, and on this side of the pond we probably have yet to learn how to actually communicate in English! :confused:

When I was at school in the 1960’s and early 1970’s my English teachers (in Finland) were quite severe if someone used what were termed as Americanisms. I understand that has relaxed a bit since, mainly because the American usage is so much with us thanks to television.