Downloading 3D Warehouse on Free

How does one download 3D Warehouse to the free version?

  1. Doesn’t seem to be an option for 3D Warehouse on the online version.

  2. When I try to download to my SketchUp 2016, the only models I get are for later software versions.

  3. Are there later Sketch Free versions available for download, that will work better with the 3D Warehouse?

Yes there is. Open the Components panel and search there.

This is to be expected since the Warehouse only supports the latest three versions. You may still get some older components if you search in the Components panel in SU2016.

SketchUp 2017 Make is the last desktop client version offered free for non-commercial use.


THANKS! Didn’t know that! Great info.

Question: If one downloaded an image from 3D Warehouse online, can it be modified/saved and possibly opened up in SU 2017?

Still, there’s a lot of good 2017 images still available. Thanks again!

SU Free
Mac OS

You can if you make sure to choose the right file type when you download.

If you are using SketchUp 2017, however, you could just download through the 3D Warehouse panel.

FWIW, they aren’t images. You’re downloading models or components.

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