Does having an enterprise GPU help

I’m new here and i can’t really find information on, if having a professional GPU help in day to day use of SketchUp and rendering or is it good enough to have a normal gaming gpu.
For example a RTX 4080 or a RTX 4000 Ada

Your profile says you are using the Free Plan which is the web based version for hobbyist users. Assuming that’s correct, a “professional GPU” probably won’t give you a lot of benefit. It won’t hurt but it won’t be much better than an RTX 3xxx or even a 2xxx Nvidia card.

As for rendering, it depends on the renderer. You’re limited in your choices that will work with models from SketchUp Free.

I’ve tried testing it, but It doesnt seem to help much, if at all.
SketchUp 2024 uses Direct X 12 for video processing on Windows. I dont think the ADA cards are optimised for that.

For Rendering - it depends on your renderer (does it use CUDA? if no then it probably doesnt help much to get an enterprise card).

There’s certainly no harm in them, but they typically cost more so you may as well get a regular gaming-grade RTX.
Just be aware of thermal overload slowness (and fan noise) with the gaming cards in a laptop config, as well as the lower VRAM they often come with, as this may affect your rendering capability (VRAM gets used up very quickly by renderers).