Display panel is missing

Display panel on left side of the screen is missing, I’m on a Mac and have tried resetting the workspace, but nothing happened. How do I turn the display panel on? Also I don’t have a tray option under Window either.

Window>Menu select the window you want.

display panel ? the toolbar ? it should be in the “view” menu, top choice, you’ll find the extended toolbar, the sandbox, solid tools etc.
Capture d’écran 2023-07-06 à 08.53.20

No tray as Dave said on mac, the panels are individually selectionable in the Window menu.

Capture d’écran 2023-07-06 à 08.52.29
from entity info to overlay.

and yes, it’s in french in this photo, but it’ll be the same in english.

Thank you for helping me out on this. I did go to windows but don’t see a menu option. I’m on the free trial version if that makes a difference.

Thank you for your reply. I’m missing the display panel with the little sunglasses icon. I did check under View but didn’t see any options for the display panel.

Are you referring to the icon indicated below?

That’s a web version thing. You won’t find it in the desktop version. Some of what is included in that Display panel is in the View menu and some of it will be in panels found in the Window menu.

yes! that’s the panel I can’t find

ok i did download SketchUp Pro Trial, but maybe because it’s a trial version I don’t get to access all the tools?

Apparently you didn’t understand what I wrote. That Display panel is available in the web versions of SketchUp, NOT in SketchUp Pro. You do have access to all of the tools and features in SketchUp Pro during the 30-day trial period. The Display panel has nothing to do with the trial.

I tried the options under View and Window, but I can’t find it. Would you know how I am able to find it?

For the third time, there is no Display panel in SketchUp Pro. It is only available in the web versions. Stop looking for it in Pro.

If you are not seeing any of the palette windows on Mac, try choosing Windows/Hide Dialogs, then Window/Show Dialogs.

ok, Dave explained 3 times that the “display” panel you get in the web version doesn’t exist in the pro version.
This panel was created by gathering several smaller panels and menus and putting them altogether. why ? efficiency I guess, on the web version, you don’t have the top menus, and you probably need fewer side panels

  • from the top, the unhide part is in the edit menu. edit/unhide and you’ll find the same 3 choices
    Capture d’écran 2023-07-07 à 23.48.24

  • the view part is in the… view menu
    Capture d’écran 2023-07-07 à 23.48.40

  • Component edit is also in the view menu
    Capture d’écran 2023-07-07 à 23.49.40

  • shadows, fog and soften lines have their own panels. you will find the panels in the window menu
    Capture d’écran 2023-07-07 à 23.50.44
    Capture d’écran 2023-07-07 à 23.51.02

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lol thanks man

Thank you for your help.

I too love the delete guides button in the web version. I call it the Linda button–after Linda Belcher in Bob’s Burgers. If you watch the show it make sense. Anyway I found a decent workaround for the pro version not having that button. Create a custom shortcut for the Delete guides menu command. It’s nice because you can set it to whatever keys you like. It’s actually faster than using the web button because you usually need to expand the palette to get to the button. The keyboard shortcut is always there.

Yes. A keyboard shortcut for Delete Guides is very useful in the desktop version as well as in the web version.