Continuing the discussion from Dynamic components help :
This has been happening with a number of linked skps in the last 24hrs…
they take me to a page stating…
The page you requested doesn’t exist or is private.
is there some issue or is it uploading errors?
It has happened for me occasionally since before 24 hours ago.
May 31, 2015, 2:45pm
Yep, I get the same error … something is amiss.
June 1, 2015, 3:38am
Any movement on fixing this?
Started for me Friday night, image and model files both.
June 1, 2015, 9:05am
@sam - ping. Any idea what this could be?
Hey everyone, thanks for spotting this! We are looking into it.
Thanks for pinging @sam
Thanks Geo - this is a pressing issue and appreciate your patience! I hope we can tackle this today.
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It should be fixed - can others confirm?
I noticed the letters in the circle avatars have disappeared.
Seems to be working now.
You can test by d/l’ing the “Make Group Unique” snippet, here:
June 2, 2015, 5:02pm
[quote=“DanRathbun, post:11, topic:11705, full:true”]
I noticed the letters in the circle avatars have disappeared.
[/quote] That is still bust !
Yeah I have noticed it too …It should be ok now?
June 2, 2015, 6:01pm
[quote=“AlexB, post:14, topic:11705, full:true”]
Yeah I have noticed it too …It should be ok now?
[/quote] Seems to be fixed
Here’s bad link I uploaded:
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Here’s another bad download link:
Hi, first time playing with DCs. I’m trying to make a box. I want to have configurable radius on the corners, wall thickness and external dims. It seems that i should build a quarter of the box then copy / flip it 3 times.
I’ve got the size and thickness to work on the side, but not on the curved corners. If you load my model, then try changing the wall thickness to something other than 5 you’ll see what i mean. Everything works except the corner.
Dynamic Component Learning #7.skp (800.3 KB)
Hello I was trying to post info on this this passed weekend.If you hit Ctrl then click the link it will give you the dialog box to open or save. It just leaves an open “New” tab on the address bar…??? I dont know why but it gets you to where you wanted to go…PASS IT ON I got no reply from it…Peace…
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August 5, 2015, 8:38am
Thank you @mrwmrutski . I used that to get to @jim_foltz ’s “waterfall.skp” (post above).
(Great workflow Jim, but doesn’t allow alterations either. To overcome by thinking ahead, so no changes are needed in the DC )
Glad it helped and Dave Richards (12 year SU vet) pass that tid-bit on to me…enjoy the day and …Peace…