Disable Drag to Push/Pull


When using the push/pull tool, I find myself performing it in three separate ways:

  1. With the push/pull tool selected, left click a face, drag the mouse to the desired distance, then left click again to complete the command.
  2. With the push/pull tool selected, left click a face, type the desired distance/value, then click enter to complete the command.
  3. With the push/pull tool selected, left click a face and continue to hold left click, drag the mouse to the desired distance, then release left click to complete the command.

However, I would like to disable the ability to perform this third option. When going to click a face to perform option 1 or option 2 (I exclusively use these first two options in my workflow), I occasionally hold down left click for a very brief moment, resulting in the face unintentionally being pushed/pulled a small distance via option 3. Is there a setting or shortcut value that would disable dragging to push/pull (or dragging in general across all tools)?

Much appreciated,


If you have dragged it a bit just type what you want and hit enter. In fact it makes more sense than your number two.


Window > Preferences > Drawing > Click Style


Thank you! This is exactly the solution I was looking for.

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