Hi Y’all. . .
Most people call me Jock. A photo ain’t happening-its kinder that way!
My thread is about how to go about promoting myself online as an artisan designer and custom furniture maker. I want to create portfolios of drawings, sketches, and renderings in SketchUp and show them on my (so far) unpublished website to attract new (paying) patrons/customers without having to make the furniture pieces first!
I have done a lot of my creative design work in SketchUp (free versions) for some time now and I love that aspect of Sketchup but until now I have had a just-enough detail to ‘git-r-dun’ approach to the plans I have created for my own use. Frankly, I am not a huge fan of the unreal world of the digital age nor do I have the amazing skills Y’all take for granted. My Sketchup work does not compare with the great works of art and imagination I see on your forums, crafted by many very skilled designers & illustrators. Bluntly - I just want to show and talk about my ideas with potential clients and get back into the workshop to make real stuff.
I am a self-taught (online videos and several books/e-books - sporadically active with Sketchup Free/Make over too many years for the limited skills I have retained. So let’s say intermediate level on a good day! No boot camps - the real one I went to too many years ago put me off them for life!
I have a custom built (not by me) 64 bit Windows 10 PC - 2 screens and Sketchup Make ver 17.2.2522.- 64 bit. I recently subscribed to Adobes monthly service plan and have very limited skills with Photoshop etc - based on watching youtube videos!
Some questions . . .
I think I need the pro version - straight answer please - Yes or No?
Is layout the way to create the material to be uploaded onto my website?
How much work is ‘rendering’ images in Sketchup - or should I use/learn more about Photoshop?
How do I upload a Sketchup file image I have created-so far I have not been able to!
What don’t I know that I need to know to make this project succeed? I will make it happen one way or another but hopefully, you can steer me in the right direction
As for babes/bros/beaches/Ferraris et al - it was fun but I ain’t talking to anyone here about that stuff!!!
Thank you for whatever you can and are willing to offer as advice to a struggling hopeful