Developers please help - 2 years later and some menu items grey out after period of time:

I’m currently setting it up! Thank you @Fredo6 !!!

To help investigate this, could you place this little snippet in your plugin folder? Once you run into the issue you can then open the Ruby console and open the context menu again, and it will tell the number of times you have opened the context menu.

This number could help us identify the issue and verify a potential fix is working. It seems this issue has already been “fixed” once, but not increased the amount of times commands can be used in the context menu enough.

# Snippet for counting the number of times the SketchUp context menu has been
# opened. Intended to use for researching [SKEXT-3092].
module ContextCounter
  @count = 0
  UI.add_context_menu_handler do
    @count += 1
    puts "Opened context menu #{@count} times."

This issue has been plaguing me for months now. It started ‘all of a sudden’ in early February on both Pro 2020 & 2021 at the same time. After researching it seems it must have been a plugin I installed on both versions. I’ll be following this thread closely to see if anyone finds the culprit. I’ve been working from sun up to sun down trying to meet deadlines, but hoping to find time do some real troubleshooting soon. The problem is that when the menu items grey out, many commands stop working altogether. For instance, I can’t explode, group, reverse faces and many other important commands. I do a lot of restarting… :frowning:

Edit: I should note that I am a plugin junkie. I use the full suite of Curic, S4U, Fredo, TT/EES, Tig, Vray, PB3, Skimp, Clothworks, JHS, Vali, Eneroth, Chris Fulmer, and many, many more… Troubleshooting will be no small task.

Hey eneroth! Which plugin folder? Could you give me specific instructions and I’d be happy to.

Hey! Great to hear I’m not alone in this. We can get to the bottom of this I imagine. Can you share a screenshot of the plugins you keep on screen at all times?

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2021\SketchUp\Plugins

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Oh the actual plugin folder, okay. I’m not sure how to place the snippet though? What exactly do I copy and how do I insert it?

After reading what Fredo6 mentioned, I tried creating a script to test the new creation behavior in the context menu to test my plugins. And I think the problem might be with Curic Recall Command.

Here is the code that I tested:

# Check where new UI::Command is created in the context menu
# How to check: 
  # Paste this code into Ruby Console then try right-clicking in 
  # SketchUp viewport to invoke the context menu.

module TestingCommand
  class << self
    attr_accessor :commands
  @commands = {}

  UI.add_context_menu_handler do

  def self.find_where_command_create_new_in_context_menu
    m = ''
    @commands.each do |l, cmds|
      m += "+ #{cmds.length} Commands cretaed at: #{l}\n"
      m += "...Commands: \n"
      cmds.each { |c| m += "......Commnad: #{c.menu_text}" + "\n" }
      m += "==================\n"

    m += 'No new command' if @commands.empty?

    UI.messagebox(m, MB_MULTILINE)

    @commands = {}

class UI::Command
  class << self
    unless method_defined?(:new_testing_command)
      alias new_testing_command new
      private :new_testing_command

      def new(*args, &block)
        c = caller_locations

        command = new_testing_command(*args, &block)

        if command
          location =
          TestingCommand.commands[location] ||= []
          TestingCommand.commands[location] << command

      rescue Exception => e
        p e

I also released an update for Recall Command. Let’s try updating or uninstalling and check again!


It’s not only with the recall command. I have been experiencing this problem for 2 years and I’ve never downloaded recall command in those 2 years. Only recently have I downloaded recall command. I will update though, got your email.

Any chance you could try this for your other plugins as well? I think if you’re solving this problem for recall there is a good chance it’s happening on your other plugins. Your entire dio plugin suite makes my sketchup crash quite regularly when I use certain tools, specifically trowel tool, stretch tool, and others in the dio plugin package set.

I do appreciate your response, I’ve messaged you many times over facebook and you rarely ever reply to anything, even though I pay your happily for your plugins, sometimes twice to you to be nice and show my support and yet you barely reply to me. I am not the only customer that this has happened to. If you’re going to charge people for your plugins @curic4su you need to show some your customers respect and respond, perhaps not all the time, but certainly more than you do. This is basic business and it frustrates me that I’m having to tell you this. I’ve had many problems over the years with your plugins and you seem to only respond when you feel like it. Would appreciate it very much if you could change that, as like I mentioned, I happily pay you for your products and tip you when I can.

  • Tucker
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context_counter.rb (285 Bytes)

Here’s the script as a file.


Thank you! WIll put this in now.

@abcgestudio @GD3Design . Okay you guys, so I think since the three of us use a lot of plugins, we should try and get this narrowed down. You can see that eneroth (ene_su) has left a script for us to download and place in our plugin folder of sketchup. Scroll up in this thread to find the downloaded script she left as a file and up farther in the thread to see her posted instructions.

I would hope you both do this and keep tabs on this thread. I’m attaching the pdf to this comment that shows all of the plugins I use. I just downloaded fredo lott plugin btw, incredible plugin for organizing, I don’t have to wait for 5 minutes now for each time sketchup loads because I don’t have plugins out anymore on my screen. Before I had all of them out on my screen and that’s why loading my sketchup model was so slow. Definitely get into fredos new plugin management app (LOTT) if you’re interested (loving it so far).

I would love it if you guys could share the plugins that you use with me and the page here, than we and others can find the issue hopefully. For a fast way to share plugins you use, you can download the fredo lott plugin temporarily and use his print plugin details feature found in the favourites manager icon, click print than show details and download it as a pdf.

If you can also share what plugin you think it is, that would be helpful. Personally, I think it’s one of the following and I’ll be testing over the next week to see. Fredo plugins, curic plugins, skalp maybe?, other than that I’m not sure. Maybe the best places to look is the ones you think are the issue and test those by turning them off and modelling, than perhaps try plugins that show up in your right click context menu… I don’t know what else to say, but those are my suggestions. Will keep you guys posted once I come up with some kind of results.
suwebviewtmp(11).html.pdf (2.1 MB)

Tucker, I’ve already made the screenshots with Extension Manager, so it goes in
alphabetical order.
I use quite a lot Fredo’s plugins, I recently bought various Curic ones but to tell the truth I’m just too busy to really try them, they are just there, so I don’t know if they causes problems or no. As I said before I’ve never experienced the grey-out commands…

Thank you very much!! I’ll take a look at all of that. I think a good idea for me is to go back to my old sketchup folders and view the plugins I used then when I didn’t have this greyed out context menu problem, compare those plugins with what I use now.

I definitely will as soon as I get a minute. I reckon the most logical start may be to Figure out Every plug-in that is showing up in your context menu. Maybe we should share screenshots of our context menus and focus on the ones we share?

Also, Curic thanks for the update! :slight_smile:

That sounds great! I’ve attached my right click context menu and the plugins that show up. So far I’ve been modelling for 2 or 3 hours straight, more than I usually can without seeing grey out. I doubt it has anything to do with eneroths script she told us to import into plugin folder (because it sounds like something that is just watching and not doing anything) and since the past few hours, I downloaded curics update… Hopefullly this keeps going and problem solved ha…

Here’s a shot of my right-click context menu.

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Hey, just an update,
I made it all day with having to restart Sketchup because of grayed out menus. Much thanks to Curic for jumping on this and figuring it out.

You know what’s crazy, I’m actually going through the same thing. I am honestly starting to wonder if curics recall plugin update made the difference? I don’t know how or why it would though, since I’ve never downloaded curic recall until recently, but for 2 years prior to this thread I’ve been having the greyed out problem. So what happens now, if curic recall update fixed all of this greyed out menu stuff, if I uninstall curic recall command do I have the problem back? It would be great to hear from @curic4su on this, did you get my other message too earlier in this thread Curic? Would appreciate some guidance and feedback.

Man would this be cool if curic had solved the problem, so far it looks like the recall plugin update has actually solved it though, because yea I haven’t had the greyed out menu problem all day yesterday since his update… If that’s the case though, I think it would be great if you could fix your other plugins too @curic4su , the dio plugins are making a lot of sketchup files crash for a lot of different users. Again, it would also be great to hear back from you on this.

You should be able to switch it on and off at will using the Extension Manager. No need to unintsall.