Hello Developers,
A number of you have shown an interest in attending both DevCamp and 3D BaseCamp this November.
As the two events are held at different locations (DevCamp @ Trimble Offices Westminster Colorado & 3D BaseCamp @The Venetian Resort Las Vegas) This area of the forum is being setup so that attendees have a place to coordinate sharing the journey if they wish.
Hey guys, my name is Ryan, I plan to attend from Copenhagen, if anyone is up for splitting some accomodation together then I’ll arrive on the 1st and depart on the 12th or so. Nothing booked yet - so I’m flexible. You can find all my details at https://graphconsult.xyz/ or Ryan Hughes - Primitive AI | LinkedIn. Otherwise if any locals want to grab a round of golf together I’d love to play when I visit
Hi Guys, I will be attending both Devcamp and Basecamp. I am flying in from Australia, and I’ll be jet-lagged. I have not booked accommodation yet as Im not exactly sure which day I will get to Colorado.
I still haven’t booked a hotel yet for DevCamp but I should probably jump on it before too long.
Can someone post a link to the DevCamp website, that would be useful, I would think.
Hotels are booked. I’m assuming my wife (who is 50% owner of my business) can attend if she chooses, even though I am the primary developer/programmer/engineer behind my business? She is more the business end (taxes, bookkeepping) of things, the boring stuff that I would rather not attend to or bother with unless I have to.
Ryan, I could be interested in a game of golf or fishing. I used to play a lot of golf, yet my game these days is pretty awful but it’s better than sitting around twiddling my thumbs. I assume there might be snow? Coming from Australia, I go whenever I can. Does anyone know if there will be any slopes open?