Delete Color list permanently

Hi all,

I want to make a template with my own materials since I personally never use the sketchup textures provided. Two problems;

  1. every time I open SketchUp, the default color list categories are reloaded.
    For this I followed along the discussion linked below, which didn’t work for me. I deleted everything out of the Materials folder and renamed it Materials_OFF, but they still pop up.
  1. I can’t delete the Apple, Crayons and Web Safe Colors list. I never use these and would like to delete these as well.

Is there a way to delete all of this and really create your own material lists?
I’m planning to make one empty file as template that contains all my materials, and always have that as a starting file.

would love to hear, thanks in advance.

Working on MacBook Pro 2023, macOS Sonoma 14.1.2
Sketchup Pro 2024

Ok, first of all, just to be sure we’re on the same page here, the only materials that are directly bound to a specific file (like a template) are the ones “in model”. everything else is bound to sketchup in general, or mac os.

meaning that as long as your “material in model” category is empty, it’ll always be whenever you use that template.

you mean the default sketchup materials ? concrete, roofing, stuff like that ?
if so, then the other thread you’ve linked isn’t gonna help, it’s from 2018 and a lot of updates have come to SU and mac os… and even though I didn’t read all 40 messages, it looks like it’s about material collections made by the user. not standard SU ones.

in order to find the default sketchup materials, on a mac, it’s a different path. the library contains the ones you’re making, but the default ones are embedded in the app :

  • in your application folder, find the sketchup folder, and in it, right click on and show content.
  • this will show you all the bits inside the app. there, navigate to Content / Ressources / Materials
  • THIS is all the standard sketchup materials, the carpets, bricks and so on.

I’m pretty sure these are from mac os. now it doesn’t means you can’t remove them somehow, just that as long as sketchup uses apple’s native colour panel, chances are they’ll be here.

Keep in mind that whenever you update sketchup - or mac os if you manage to remove apple’s materials - there are good chances the materials will come back.

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I’ll add,

small explanation on why two locations for materials on a mac

on a mac, SU stores infos in 2 places.

  • the library is for all the stuff you do. your templates, materials, extensions, parameters.

  • inside the app (show content) you’ll find all the default things you’re not supposed to interact with. at least not unless you know what you’re doing :slight_smile: in fact, chances are, mac os will as you to type your password when changing stuff there. after all it could break the app.

when you install sketchup, you copy the folder in the application folder. on first launch, it’ll create the library folder.
then, if you “reinstall” or install a new version, it’ll replace the one in the application folder but all your stuff in the library will remain.

you could even uninstall sketchup by removing the application folder, if you didn’t touch the library then upon reinstalling you would find all your stuff again.

I suspect that macOS caches recently used colors somewhere somewhat like it does with preferences. When I tried deleting a materials collection from the built-in ones it didn’t affect the lists shown in SketchUp when it is reopened. I didn’t try a reboot though, ran out of time for experimenting. In addition, some of what you list are provided by the macOS color picker, which the SketchUp materials editor is a tweak on. So, to get rid of them, you’d have to research where macOS Color Picker keeps its lists.

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Hi! Thanks for your reply.

yes! The default materials that come with Sketchup. For every model I find myself adding materials manually. I’d love to make the pallet more to what I use all the time instead of loading it every time.

The location of the materials within the contents is where I deleted all the materials from, this is the same that was mentioned in the post I linked. They still come back when reloading a file.
I’ve deleted all from the Materials map. When I create a new file for a test I delete a color list, like “synthetic surfaces” entirely and I delete a few individual default materials from a different color list. I save the file and when opening it again both the color list synthetic surfaces and the deleted default tiles pop back up.

So not sure if what im trying to achieve is possible. Does make me wonder why there’s an option to delete the lists if they just come back. :sweat_smile: