Default color changed

yes, in the Styles menu…

but, you have changed them on groups or components so the default can’t override your choice…

you will likely find you only changed one or to groups…

you need to look in Outliner with Entity info open as I show…

There are plugins, but they will take weeks on your model…


I"m not worried about the colors I previously chose - or chose now, while trying to get previously white components back to default - but about the mass of components I never directly touched that have suddenly become yellow as a “default” color because colors were never chosen to begin with but just left to the default color, which use to be white but became yellow. Is there no way to set THAT default back to white?

colors don’t change on there own, one of you has accidentally changed them…

as it affects so many items it is likely to be at a Group or Component level…

if you deselect all >> click on item with a wrongly coloured face >> is the Entity Info showing it as default color?

if not go one group below in Outliner and check it…

rinse and repeat…


I just drilled down into a yellow wall after unlocking it (most of the things that changed color were locked at the time as far as I know; I was working on completely different areas of the model then). At no point did yellow come up in the entity info swatch, even when I got a face highlighted that was clearly yellow and which I then changed to white.

The only “mass” items in the model that are yellow are the columns on every level, but until now they never made everything else yellow (technically, this is “lemon”). John said he did once have the spinthrift green apply to other items by accident, but he changed it back right away.

Logic suggest that if colors can be changed en masse in one direction, they can be changed back in another direction, no?

with a model as large as yours, strange things may be happening, but i find it unlikely…

all the en masse methods are two way streets…

but it can get confusing finding the original route for backing out…

save a selection out with a couple of the offending items included and post the skp…

maybe someone can find the issue…


I can now see how to change the default face colour deliberately. But I still can’t work out how it got changed globally by accident. It happened to both me and Scott yesterday or the day before and there is no parent component to be changed accidentally that would have this global effect.

I found it happened to me while I was using the Colour palette ‘In Model’ colours, as I described above - clicking on a colour changed the default, not the paint bucket colour.

Possibly a bug, but certainly misleading behaviour. Maybe SU had got a memory mix up somewhere? It had been open for a long time for me, in a model of medium size and complexity. It’s a sub part of Scott’s main model, but we were working on them completely independently.

To change it deliberately, go to Styles/Face style, and change the Front colour, and save the result.

On Mac, it looks like this:
Click on the swatch beside Front, then pick the default front face colour you want.

if you have a color open for editing, switch to the pencil box and click one…

it will change all the items with the ‘in edit’ material…

maybe that happened…

are the new colors on faces?


I think (but am no longer sure, since I’ve now got the colours back to normal), that components with no colour applied to the component, but some faces coloured, changed all the uncoloured faces.

Before I figured out how to change the default colour, I went in and changed some wrongly coloured faces to the White colour (so they may still be coloured white even if I change the default colour to non-white - will try in a moment).

Yes, that seems to have happened. If I change the default to a garish pink, some ‘white’ faces that should be the default colour stay white.

I think I’ve now worked out what happened, and also why I got confused.

Try this:

Select any face in a component open for editing.

Open the Styles/Edit/Faces/Front colour and click on the swatch beside it. That opens the Color window on Mac.

Choose any In Model colour. Click it. The default swatch goes half that colour, and all the default colour faces go that colour.

Not unreasonable.

Click the default swatch in the In Model colour palette. It goes white again.

Click any colour again. The default swatch goes that colour. And so does the default Front face colour if the Styles window is still open for editing.

I think that must have been what happened to me - I had** had** the Styles window open for edit, and left it that way without noticing.

Click anywhere in model window. That seems to ‘lock’ the Front face colour.

So, sort-of explains how it happened to me.

Logical, in retrospect, but not expected and very puzzling at the time.

open input boxes of all sorts stay active on mac SU, as we know well from all those layers called ‘m’…



I have a special layer ‘r’ for all my rectangles:slight_smile:

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