With Open Close you can set those positions for every object and easly switch object between those two (open/close).
Movable Joints is about joint chains, so you can set couple of joints with diferent additional groups and move them with sliders on the control page. If you configure arm… changing shoulder joint angle will move elbow and wrist in space but position of itself joints will stay with constant value.
Whats usefull, is that you see actual Joint position, set exact location you would like to get or set limitations for sliders moves.
@DBS How do I activate a trial license for Movable Joints? I downloaded it from the Extension Warehouse (from inside SU) and tried clicking the activation button, entered my email and was rejected.
Trial licensing is manage by Sketchup and you do not need make any actions to use it as a trial… except situation when it doesnt work.
Log out from Extension Wherehause, swith off and on SU, log in and try again.
Online activation is my own backup system in case abowe doesn’t work (unfortunetly sometimes it doesn’t).
Send me pm if still have that issue.
New version 3.14 is available in Extension Warehouse and on my site.
There is a new function letting to set animation time separately for every joint.
Additionally, I improved the manual moves function.
Is there a way to link joint movements for more complex articulations?
Example: I’m trying to create a “bi-fold” airplane hangar style door, basically a door that folds as it rises. There’s a hinge at the top, a hinge in the middle, and the bottom has a wheel (hinge) that tracks a rail (slide). So 3 hinges and 1 slider, but there’s a relationship between them: One can not move without causing the others to move as they’re effectively all points of a triangle…a triangle where one side is adjustable length.
A physics engine could do it, but a) the only one I’m aware of is years out of date and b) it’s not complex enough to need such an engine. Really what’s needed is a way to script the joints in DBS Moveable Joints such that their position values are variables of a triangle formula.
Ideally I could “open” the door by moving the “slide” joint, which would cause the hinge joints to adjust their angles in relation.