When I open a model I get this message, while the file was not created in a newer version. When someone else open it, they get the same message and it results in data loss. does anyone know how to fix this? We have visited the link, but we all have the newest 2021 version. So we are at a loss here. Anyone experience with this problem?
Check the detailed version number (Help>>About Sketchup…). If it is less than
21.1.332 Win 64-bit
21.1.331 Mac 64-bit
you have older version.
Normally you will not loose any important data by opening it. If you still afraid, after opening save as new file, then the original file will not be modified.
(Perhaps the file was created in Online version of SU which could be newer)
(Perhaps2: the file was created in Windows and you opening in Mac which have “older/smaller” version N.O. and SU take it into consideration )
(Perhaps3: The SU 2022 is on the doorstep… there are more sign of it too )